SCOR Expert Garden for protection against powdery mildew, gray rot, black spot. Benefits and applications.

Protection from diseases

SCOR, EC2 ml

SCOR, EC 2 ml


Systemic fungicide for the protection of fruit crops from complex of diseases; flower plants and ornamental shrubs - from powdery mildew, gray rot; roses - from black spot.

Rapid effect on the causative agent of the disease (in within 2 hours);
Guarantees long lasting and highly effective protection fruits and leaves;
Preserves and improves the quality of the crop;
Easily penetrates into all plant tissues and protects from within;
Effective in all weather conditions (heat, rain, sudden changes in temperature).

Own anti-counterfeit product protection system: inside each packaging contains a code that can be checked by sending SMS to 9119 or on the website



Crop/Tree Type Desease Type Recommended Dosage How To Use Wait Time (Number of Applications)
Apple, pear Scab, powdery mildew 2 ml/10 l of water Spraying during vegetative period before and after the flowering with no more than 14-day interval. Spraying liquid consumption – 1-3 l/tree (depending on tree size).
20 (3)
Apple Alternariosis 3-3,5 мл/10 л воды 20 (2)
Peach, apricot, plum Clasterosporium, leaf cur 2 ml/10 l of water
21 (2)
Cherry Coccomycosis
Flower plants Powdery mildew 2 ml/10 l of water Spraying during vegetative period from first signs of decease found and subsequent at 14-day interval. Spraying liquid consumption – 10 l/100 m2 - (2)
Gray rot 4 ml/10 l of water
Roses Powdery mildew
2 ml/10 l of water Spraying during vegetative period from first signs of decease found and subsequent at 14-day interval. Spraying liquid consumption – 10 l/100 m2 (up to 1l per plant)
- (2)
Tar spot 5 ml/10 l of water - (4)
Ornamental plants/bushes Powdery mildew 2 ml/10 l of water Spraying during vegetative period from first signs of decease found and subsequent at 14-day interval. Spraying liquid consumption – 10 l/100 m2 - (2)
Spots 5 ml/10 l of water - (4)